
4-H Wranglers Club selects officers

Officers of the Wranglers Club in the 4-H program are back (l-r): Jamie Scheiber, treasurer; Marisa Hanlon, secretary; Bailey Flint, vice president; and Melanie Klossner, president; and in the front is Kalie Moyer, new reporter.A group of horse enthusiasts from Monroe and Orleans County in the 4-H Horse Program Wranglers Club met recently to plan club meetings and select officers.

During their organizational meeting the following officers were selected: Melanie Klossner, president; Bailey Flint, vice president; Marisa Hanlon, secretary; Jamie Scheiber, treasurer; and Kalie Moyer, news reporter.

The club meets monthly and includes several educational opportunities. Among the activities planned for the year are clinics about dressage and reining, making horse treats, watching a polo match, attending horse shows, attending programs through Cornell Cooperative Extension and fundraising efforts. Throughout the year, members will work on the four values: Head (managing, thinking); Heart (relating, caring); Hands (giving, working); and Health (being, living) through fun and engaging programs.

For additional information, access 4-H Youth development information at

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