Brockport Rotary raises funds to support World Polio Day (October 24)
Rotary International and its affiliated clubs around the world celebrated World Polio Day in a variety of ways. Brockport Rotary’s autumn traffic/stop publicized the event which was meant to draw attention to Rotary’s long time mission to eradicate polio from the Earth. Currently only two countries (Afghanistan and Pakistan) have new cases (12) and hopefully in the next three years the scourge will be eliminated forever. In recent years the Gates Foundation has been involved and now has upped the ante by matching 2-1 all Rotary donations up to 450 million dollars (Rotary has pledged to raise 50 million dollars for each of the next three years). A second event was held shortly after World Polio Day with the help of the Brockport Bill Gray’s Restaurant, the current club Thursday meeting location. Coupons for a 15% discount on food and beverages sold on Thursday, October 26 were passed out to the public and the restaurant generously gave the sum raised to the Club. The photo shows Norm Knight posing with a World Polio Day sign and the $100 bill one very generous donor gave him. All those coins and bills added up to the highest amount ever raised during the biannual activity. The club wishes to thank everyone for their good will and their donations. See more photos at