Every vote counts
Midterm elections are November 6
Every vote in every election matters. Tuesday, November 6, is the date for midterm elections this year. Polls are open from 6 a.m. until 9 p.m.
Ballots are available online at the Board of Elections website for each county so voters can familiarize themselves with what the ballot looks like and who is running for national, state, county and local office.
Those who need to know where to vote, or need transportation to the polls, can call the Board of Elections in their county.
Monroe County: 585-753-1550, monroe-county.gov/elections
Orleans County: 585-589-3274, orleansny.com/Elections
Genesee County: 585-815-7804, co.genesee.ny.us/departments/elections/index.php
Support the candidates of your choice by voting and encouraging others to do the same.
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