
Turning College Student Loans Into College Student Scholarships

To The Editor:
A problem that affects and hurts a lot of American families is the high cost of a college education. I’d like to propose a gradual change where we turn college student loans into college student scholarships so that one day every college graduate will not have to start their working lives deeply in debt.
With a nearly-$1 trillion dollar yearly federal government budget deficit, we’d have to come up with the revenue to pay for this. I would propose the adoption of a national wealth-tax of 10% on all individuals with a net-worth and net-wealth of $10 million and higher. I am assuming that this would be more than enough to pay for this.
I would like to point out to my conservative-friends out there that before he became a FAKE-conservative Donald Trump proposed a national wealth-tax in 1999 of 14.25% on all those with a net-worth of $10 million and higher. He wanted the money generated from it to go toward eliminating the national debt with the remainder being put into the Social Security Trust Fund to make it more fully solvent for many additional years. The latter of the two expenditures is not exactly “conservative.”
If anyone doubts that he made this proposal, it appears on several online websites for anyone to see.

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