
There are all kinds of ways to get active

Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York’s “What’s Your Move?” campaign aims to help families find more ways to be active.

Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York is joining the national Move Your Way campaign to provide ideas for being active throughout the day. According to the new edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, every minute of activity counts.

Keeping up with the kids? That’s a move. Going for a walk with the family after dinner? That’s a move. Every week Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York will share nine new physical activity ideas on WhatsYourMoveNY.org. Plus, Finger Lakes Eat Smart New York is launching an Instagram challenge. Simply post a 10 to 15 second video showing your move with the hashtag #whatsyourmoveny and your video will appear on Whats-YourMoveNY.org.

Physical activity is important for children and adults of all ages. Adults need 2.5 hours a week of physical activity, and children need 60 minutes a day. And you don’t have to wait to see the benefits. Physical activity can help you feel better right away! It can boost your mood, sharpen your focus, reduce stress, and improve sleep and grades.

Here are three budget-friendly ways to move more throughout your day:

Use what is available. Plan activities that require little or no equipment. Examples include walking, jogging, jumping rope, playing tag, and dancing. Find out what programs your community recreation center offers for free or minimal charge.

Include work around the house. Involve the kids in yard work and other active chores around the house. Have them help with raking, weeding, planting, or vacuuming.

Get active together. Make your morning walk a race, dance while dinner is in the oven, and show the kids your favorite ways to move. Gather your family and go for a hike at your local park.

For more ideas like these, visit Whats-YourMoveNY.org.

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