
Coronavirus damaging the economy

The Coronavirus, (or as some like to call it Trumpvirus), is causing major damage to our economy. Supply disruptions from China and Europe are slowing down manufacturing. The New York Times reported (3/2/20) “Dunn & Bradstreet, the Business research firm said about 51,000 companies had one or more suppliers in regions of China affected by the virus, almost certainly leading to a broader impact in the month ahead.” The Trump administration, which Chris Jacobs supports, chases boogymen, such as “criminal aliens” rather than real threats such as Russian aggression, climate change, or global infections. The administration’s last budget, which Chris Jacobs supports, wants to cut global health programs by $3 billion. In 2018 the Trump administration dismissed the National Security Council’s global health team and also dismantled the epidemic fighting infrastructure at the Department of Homeland Security. As Covid-19, (or Trumpvirus), starts to damage our economy, Mr. Trump urged the Fed to do something to mitigate the Stock Market loses. Maureen Dowd reported this as “socialism for the rich,” NYT (3/1/20) and she wrote that “The virus won’t respond to conspiracy theories from Rush Limbaugh or nasty diatribes from Sean Hannity or nicknames from Donald Trump.” It is time for new leadership based on knowledge, not fealty to Mr. Trump. It is time to replace power rooted in privilege with power rooted in reason. It is time to replace idolatrous submission to a man with independent thinkers. That is why I am endorsing Nate McMurray for congress.

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