COVID-19 UPDATE April 3, 2020

For the all the latest Local information on COVID-19 including:
•Number of Positive Cases by County
•A Map of Confirmed Cases
•Related News Articles
•Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
•A COVID-19 Guide
From Govenor Andrew Cuomo’s briefing on April 3, 2020
New York State – Total Tested 260,520, New Tests 21,555
Positive Cases – 102,863 Total, 10,482 New
Hospitalizations – Currently in Hospital 14,810, New Hospitalizations 1,427
ICU Patients – 3,731 Total, 335 New
Patients Discharged – 8,886, New Discharges 1,452
Deaths – 2,935, 562 New
• Governor requested that companies re-tool in order to make much needed masks, gowns, face shields and other PPE. New York State will finance the transition for the company and cover expenses and will purchase the items produced.
•Temporary Hospital Facility at Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Will Be Used for Only COVID-19 Patients. Governor Cuomo thanked President Trump for acting quickly to have this approved.
•A new website was launched a new website to provide New York’s Comprehensive COVID-19 Testing Data to the public.
•New drive-through mobile testing facility will open in Albany next week. The State has opened 7 mobile facilities to date.
•Amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Andrew M. Cuomo has issued an Executive Order allowing the state to redistribute ventilators and personal protective equipment, or PPE, from institutions that don’t currently need them and redeploy the equipment to other hospitals with the highest need. The National Guard will be used to transport the ventilators and PPE across the state. The equipment will be returned to the hospital or the hospital will be reimbursed for the equipment in the future.
What You Need to Know
- The NYS Department of Health has approved Northwell’s protocol allowing BiPAP machines to be converted into ventilators.
- NYS will conduct a hospital-by-hospital survey on a nightly basis to take inventory of supplies; all hospitals are asked to contribute supplies they don’t currently need to a centralized stockpile.
- 85,400 health professionals have signed up to volunteer as part of the state’s Surge Healthcare Force, including 21,000 from out of state
- Consumers and small businesses experiencing financial hardship may defer paying health insurance premiums through June 1, 2020.
- Governor Cuomo has directed the state nonessential workforce to continue to work from home for an additional two weeks through April 15th.
- In-person workforce restrictions, which have been implemented through various executive orders are also extended until April 15th.
- Statewide school closures are extended by two weeks until April 15.
- New Yorkers without health insurance can apply through NY State of Health through May 15, 2020; must apply within 60 days of losing coverage.
- New Yorkers can call the COVID-19 Emotional Support Hotline at 1-844-863-9314 for mental health counseling.
- Department of Motor Vehicles offices are temporarily closed for in-office visits. Online transactions, including for license renewals, are still be available. License and permit expirations will be extended.
- Testing is free for all eligible New Yorkers as ordered by a health care provider.
- Your local health department is your community contact for COVID-19 concerns.
Monroe County Legislature Update April 2, 2020
•“It is a false comfort to think well we are a rural area, we won’t get this. New York has very rural communities and now all counties in New York have positive cases,” Governor Cuomo said.
•Chain is only as strong as its weakest link – True for hospitals, the hospitals that are usually the most stressed will have the least tolerance. Beds, staff, supplies – all links in the chain. Beds right now are the easiest to find. Brooklyn construction has started 750 beds. Staff is harder to come by, shifting staff from upstate to downstate, 21,000 out of state medical staff, 85,400 total volunteers.
•Personal Protection Equipment is an ongoing problem.
•Coordinating health care system in a way that’s never been done before, central stock pile, asking all hospitals to contribute and report what they have.
•Asking businesses to help produce products, we will pay a premium and we will pay to convert the business into a model that can make the materials now.
•Reiterates the cruel irony that everything is made in China.
400 ventilators sent to New York City and 200 to Long Island from the New York State stockpile. If the rate of increase continues, we have six days worth of ventilators in the stockpile. They know where all the ventilators are in New York State and will shift them to meet the need. Increasing supply of available ventilators by ending elective surgeries. Using anesthesia machines as ventilators and “splitting” ventilator tubes. Converting BiPAP machines which is not ideal, but can work. Department of Health has approved this new protocol. 750 BiPap machines arrived yesterday and will be distributed as needed. Every county will get additional testing supplies from a new shipment the state just got. It will not be distributed evenly but by need.
From the Center for Disease Control
•There is no evidence that food or food packaging can spread COVID-19. No evidence that animals can get COVID-19.
•Additional guidance for farmers markets which are still on the essential list.
•Department of Labor recognizes the struggle with the unemployment due to the volume, even if you can’t get through in unemployment right now, you will still get assistance. 370,000 unemployment claims filed last week in New York State.
Monroe County Update
•Jazz Fest postponed.
•Wegmans employees now have the choice to wear a mask if they feel comfortable doing so. Employees must provide their own.
Provided by Legislator Michael Zale