
Sweden facilitates neighbors helping neighbors; collects masks for BFD volunteers

The Town of Sweden has had an outpouring of requests from residents asking if they can do anything to help other residents who are struggling to deal with COVID-19, social distancing, and the many other effects this crisis has had on our daily lives. The town is working to pair those with needs to those willing to volunteer their time and help their neighbors. The needs could be anything from picking up groceries or a take-out meal to performing small chores around the yard.

Much of this kindness is happening already in neighborhoods, but Sweden Supervisor Kevin Johnson wants to be sure that all residents who have a need and those able to help are connected. “We don’t want any resident to fall through the cracks,” Johnson said.

Those who need assistance and those who are willing to help, should email Johnson at supervisor@townofsweden.org, call his office phone at 637-7588, or his cell phone at 615-5243.

The Town of Sweden will perform a brief background check on volunteers at no cost to the volunteer. The town will also provide safe social distancing information to volunteers and those in need of assistance.

In a related effort, the town is collecting cloth masks at the Town Hall, 18 State Street; Community Center, 4927 Lake Road; and Highway Garage, 40 White Road. There is a box outside each building’s front door marked “mask donations.”

The mask collection is part of a joint effort by the College’s Town Gown Committee to collect masks for the United Way and an effort specifically aimed at the Brockport Fire District volunteers. 

Collection boxes are also available in the lobby of SUNY Brockport’s Allen Administration Building, outside the district office door, at the Brockport Central School District, 40 Allen Street, and at the Village of Brockport, 127 Main Street. 

The College created a video showing how to make no-sew masks. It can be found at https://youtu.be/WJ2m9Olr6rw. Detailed instructions for sewn masks can be found at https://www.uwrochester.org/COVID-19-Response/Masks.

Prepare masks for drop off by placing an individual mask in a plastic sandwich type re-sealable bag. To avoid confusion, please write clearly on the outside of the bag which masks are for the “BFD” (Brockport Fire Department). The masks will be picked up and distributed on Mondays.

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