RG&E Completes Circuit Upgrades in Greece

Resiliency investments to bring enhanced reliability to more than 1,600 customers
Rochester Gas & Electric (RG&E) announced that it has recently completed circuit upgrades in Greece on Latta Road, Island Cottage Road and Mount Read Blvd on the company’s 5255 circuit, which delivers power to customers’ homes and businesses. The project will bring enhanced reliability to 1,604 customers. It is part of the company’s Resiliency Program which proactively hardens the company’s systems to continue providing safe and reliable service to all customers.
“I’m very happy to have worked with RG&E to help bring these important enhancements to our residents here in Greece. When challenging events like the wind storm of 2017 impacted our community, we responded with every resource at our disposal to aid and assist our neighbors and families. We then got to work on formulating our own resiliency goals as part of our Town Comprehensive Plan that was approved earlier this year,” said Greece Town Supervisor Reilich. “I commend RG&E on the completion of this project and will continue to offer our support as they further invest in the safety and viability of their system here in the Town of Greece.”
The primary goal of the project was to make the grid more reliable and decrease the number of customers impacted by outage-causing incidents. This was achieved by upgrading equipment on the circuit by installing three switches. This equipment provides RG&E with the ability to temporarily switch which circuit is powering a customers’ home or business. That will result in quicker restoration times for customers when outages do occur.
“Our primary duty as a utility is to provide our customers with safe and reliable service year-round,” said Andy Gumkowski, Manager of Resiliency Field Projects at RG&E. “This is an important responsibility and requires continued investments in our systems, like those made on the 5225 circuit in Greece. With these upgrades, our customers can count on more reliable service for their homes and businesses.”
The 5255 circuit project in Greece began in early July. It is one of the several local resiliency investments RG&E is making to reduce the number and duration of outages during extreme weather and to enable an efficient and effective response when outages do occur.
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