
Justice For Vanessa

I’m writing in support of Vanessa . I live in Canada , so I haven’t seen any news coverage on this story . It’s my understanding that it’s unknown if she was in fact the dog responsible for the bite injury . If she was responsible , does the punishment fit the crime ? I don’t believe she should pay with her life , and neither did the Munroe County judge when he overturned the order to euthanize her. I don’t understand why the Town of Ogden feels they have a legal right to go against the court order. Where is the justice for this poor little dog who has been locked up for almost one year , away from her family and forced to endure abuse and neglect ? It sickens me that the town would want to be complicit in the abuse of a defenseless animal!
I,and many others will be following this case,and hoping that in a town that is so unjust that there will be justice for Vanessa .

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