Greece Historical Society Events

•Researching your Town of Greece Family
Tuesday June 8, 2021 • 7:00 pm • via Zoom
Join us for a presentation of tips on how to start researching your family in anticipation of the Town’s Bicentennial in 2022. Whether you are just starting out or you already are our family’s historian, help the Greece Historical Society to preserve your family’s legacy for future generations. Every family has a story to tell and we want to hear yours.
Where to start? Barb Koehler, a genealogy specialist from the local history and genealogy division of the Central Library, will show you how to use free online library resources to access census records, directories, vital records, newspapers, and maps/atlases.
GHS members JoAnn Ward Snyder and Marie Poinan are collecting stories from descendants of the Greece pioneer families for a book that will be published later this year. They will share ideas on how you can take names and dates to construct a timeline that helps you tell your family story. Help us celebrate the 200th birthday of the Town of Greece.
Registration Required. Go to the Greece Public Library web page click on “Events” then “Calendar” then go to June 8 and register. An email will be sent prior to the event with login and password instructions. Direct link:
•History of the Flower Industry In Western New York
June 19, 2021 • 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
Nellie Gardner will give us a history of the flower industry here in Western New York and will tell us about the industry today and about her own flower business. She will show us her unique style, having had no formal design classes, as she demonstrates making a bouquet with flowers from her garden.
Growing up on a self sufficient horse powered farm on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia gave Nellie the experience, incentive, and perspective to work her way through college, graduating from Cornell University with no high school education and no money.
Nellie started her own cut flower business in 1992, has restored several Frank Lloyd Wright landscapes and now consults on horticulture and agriculture. Her Flower Barn and shop is in Adams Basin, New York.
•Grandfather Stories by David Kunz
June 27, 2021 • 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Dave’s stories feature some of the great narrative poetry that entertained our grandparents, as well as tall tales, personal stories, and adaptations of favorite short stories. He started telling stories formally over 30 years ago in Minnesota, although he says he’s been a liar most of his life. Adults and children of all ages will enjoy Dave’s unique point of view and the entertaining twists of plots and characters that characterize his storytelling.
Both events will be held at the Greece Museum, 595 Long Pond Road.
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