A painting by Rochesterian John William Wagner portrays a charge by the 149th New York Volunteer Infantry Regiment that was crucial to preventing the Confederate Army from over-running Little Round Top at the Battle of Gettysburg.
Captain Milo Starks is shown at the bottom right; he took over the charge when Col. Patrick O’Rorke was killed in the action.
The picture was displayed at the May 10 dedication of a road marker honoring Capt. Milo Starks, a former town of Sweden resident.
This new road sign was unveiled May 10 during dedication ceremonies organized by Bill Andrews, a member of the Sweden Bicentennial Committee. It was installed just north of Captain Starks’ former home at 5139 South Lake Road (Route 19).
The former home of Captain Starks was built in the early 1830s. He and his family moved into it in 1841. It is now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Allen, who purchased the house in 1979.
Bill Andrews, who orchestrated the event as a member of the Sweden Bicentennial Committee, stands next to the painting.The reenactors fired off three volleys.
Photos by Walter Horylev