
Introduction to trap shooting offered in Brockport

The Conservation Club of Brockport is offering its fifth annual Trap Shooting introduction for beginning shooters. The course is delivered in five 90 minute to two hour sessions. The emphasis is on introductory trap instruction for beginners. 

Students are introduced to shotguns, firearms safety, trap fundamentals including trap shooting firearms, chokes, ammunition, shooting techniques, score keeping, and etiquette. Trap basics that are explained and practiced include dominant eye, gun mount, foot position, point of aim, and more. 

The mandatory first session is classroom focused. It provides information about trap to prepare for the four shooting focused sessions. Experienced club shooters and instructors deliver the classroom and range instruction. Each participant receives individual assistance and attention.

The purpose of this class is to introduce the sport to beginners. It is not intended for those who currently shoot trap who are interested in improving their scores.

The class is open to club members and to the general public. For maximum effectiveness, the class is limited to 10 students. 

Class will be held June 9, 16, 17, 22, and 23 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Conservation Club clubhouse, 291 Ladue Road, Brockport. 

The participation cost for non-members is $50 and covers the cost of the clay targets. Shooters must provide or purchase their own shot shells. These are available through the club for participants.

If interested, email to reserve a spot. The class tends to fill quickly. 

Anyone interested in shooting trap may also join the Conservation Club of Brockport on Monday night when trap shooting is open to the public. 

Provided information

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