
The Liver Disorder Affecting Millions in America

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the leading chronic liver disorder, now affecting 46% of American adults and some children. 

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, (NAFLD), is the most common cause of chronic liver failure in the United States. It is when excess fat accumulates in the liver. Over time, the liver enlarges, and liver cells are replaced by scar tissue. This eventually leads to liver malfunction, cirrhosis, occasionally to liver cancer, and sometimes to end-stage liver failure. 

NAFLD is a growing disease that affects nearly one out of two Americans. It is the leading cause of liver disease in the US and is often correlated with:  Type 2 Diabetes or Pre-Diabetes (Metabolic Syndrome); Obesity; Elevated levels of fat found in the blood and elevated LDL and Triglycerides; High blood pressure; Certain medications; Infections like Hepatitis; and Toxin exposures especially Glyphosate.

As obesity rates and diabetes rates in the US soar, so does NAFLD. NAFLD often goes undiagnosed since it poses few if any symptoms in the early stage. A doctor can detect liver disorder in annual blood work, like the metabolic panel, which shows liver enzymes in ALT and AST tests. If the values are elevated, then often an ultrasound is ordered and possibly a liver biopsy. 

NAFLD can impair the body’s ability to remove toxins, regulate hormones and prevent disease. It is critical to maintain or improve liver health for overall health and wellness. 

NAFLD can prevented and reversed with lifestyle changes. Here are some tips to help improve your liver health.

•Maintain a healthy weight, or lose weight if needed.

•Reduce intake of processed high carb foods especially sugar, starch, and fast foods.

•Eat optimum amounts of healthy proteins like grass fed beef, free range chicken, eggs and omega-3 rich fish, like un-farmed salmon.

•Increase healthy fats like coconut oil, omega three plant sources (ground flax seed) and walnuts.

•Eat generous amounts of cruciferous vegetables daily. Broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprout, cabbage, kale and leafy greens.

•Supplement with milk thistle, NAC, dandelion root and curcumin.


The good news is that healthy eating, regular exercise and maintaining a health weight are all valuable interventions that can help you prevent NAFLD, or reverse it. Lifestyle changes are the key to prompt treatment of this disorder. Always check with your physician before beginning any supplements or an exercise program.

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