
Sherry Lane tot lot restoration ahead

Early this spring, the Sweden Highway Department removed a dozen or so dead trees from the town-owned tot lot at the corner of Sherry Lane and Highview Circle. The removal created a great deal of interest and Supervisor Kevin Johnson conducted an informal online survey of the neighborhood.

Ideas ran the whole gamut, from leaving the tot lot completely empty to installing a playground, gazebo, fitness trail, parking spots, walking path, bike rack, picnic tables, labyrinth and meditation garden. The majority of respondents expressed the desire to keep the lot “open” to allow for neighborhood games of kickball, wiffle ball, etc.

The Town has moved forward with a plan that preserves the open atmosphere but adds landscaping (four brandywine red maples and five blue spruce trees with mulch) and two eight-foot benches to be installed on concrete pads. The trees have been ordered and should be installed within a few weeks; the benches will not be shipped until the late fall and will be installed by the highway department at that time. “The tot lot will be more nicely landscaped,” said Johnson, “yet still welcome neighborhood families to gather and enjoy large group activities.”

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