
Hawley urges residents to call on the governor to prevent ban on high school trap shooting competitions

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C,I-Batavia) is imploring his colleagues in the Assembly and Senate to take action to save high school trap shooting competitions before a law (A.41001) takes effect September 1 that would prohibit firearm possession in “sensitive locations,” which include all sporting events. This would also imperil the ability of sportsmen’s clubs and other sporting organizations to hold competitions for shooting sports, many of which are often held to support charitable causes.

In order to modify the law to address this effective ban on shooting sports events, the Legislature would need to convene for a special session before it takes effect in September. Assemblyman Hawley is encouraging residents to sign an online petition at, that is calling on Governor Hochul and her colleagues in the Legislative Majority to take action to prevent the banning of high school trap shooting competitions.

“Trap shooting is one of the safest sporting activities our young people take part in, which also promotes an understanding and respect for firearms and their safe handling,” said Hawley. “Moreover, this bill as written threatens the existence of competitive shooting sports categorically, a celebrated tradition enjoyed throughout New York state by spectators and sportsmen alike for centuries. I don’t believe anyone in our Legislature sees clay-pigeon shooting contests as a threat to public safety, so I sincerely hope we can come together and agree to fix what is a clear error in this legislation as it was passed.”

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