Monroe County reminds motorists to Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over

During the busy Labor Day holiday weekend, STOP-DWI NY and the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC) worked alongside Monroe County police agencies and Monroe County STOP-DWI to decrease impaired driving and bring awareness to the dangers.
“Despite impaired driving being a crime of choice, we continue to see our fatalities from this senseless act climb due to far too many crashes,” said Monroe County STOP-DWI Coordinator, Lindsay Tomidy. “We need every one of our community members to hold each other accountable in an effort to keep the streets free of impaired drivers so that we all can have a safe end to our summers. Fatalities have doubled from 2019 to 2021 and these lives lost were completely preventable. Even one life is one too many!”
According to NYS Department of Motor Vehicles Accident Information System, Monroe County had 595 impaired driving crashes for 2021. Impaired driving, either by alcohol and/or other drugs, accounted for almost 30% of fatalities on the county’s roadways last year. Monroe County wants to remind drivers that impaired driving by both drugs and alcohol is not only illegal, it is a matter of life and death.
For more information about Monroe County’s STOP-DWI Program, call 753-3011 or go to
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