
Labyrinth returns to Parma Greece UCC

The Parma Greece UCC, located at 1211 Manitou Road, is once again hosting a Labyrinth Walk on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, September 29, 30 and October 1. The community is invited to come and take advantage of this walking meditation. The Labyrinth will be available in the church’s Fellowship Hall on Friday and Saturday, from 7 to 9 p.m. and again immediately following worship on Sunday, from 10:30 a.m. until noon. October 1 is World Communion Sunday, a celebration observed by several Christian denominations that promotes Christian unity and cooperation. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcomed.

A labyrinth is a patterned path, often circular in form, used as a spiritual practice; it is not a maze. A labyrinth’s walkway is arranged in such a way that the participant moves back and forth in silence across the circular form through a series of curves, ending at the labyrinth’s heart or center. According to, “Labyrinth walking increased levels of relaxation, clarity, peace, centeredness, openness, quiet, and reflectiveness, and reduced levels of anxiety, stress, and agitation. The experience of labyrinth walking supports recovery, renewal, integration of the whole person, and facilitating a sense of harmony.”

The Labyrinth will be inside the church’s Fellowship Hall, which is transformed into a Sacred Space for this event, and is free and open to the public. The walk is unguided so people can arrive and leave at any time during this event. There will also be seating for those who prefer to meditate without walking the Labyrinth. Scheduling for group visits may be available. For more information on Labyrinths, go to on the church website.

The Parma Greece United Church of Christ worship services are Sunday mornings at 9 a.m., led by Pastor Bradley Klug. The church is a welcoming, caring community that brings together people from multiple religious traditions and backgrounds, honoring the spiritual journey of each individual. For more information on this event or on church services services, call the Parma Greece UCC office at 585-392-6120.

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