
55 mph maximum speed limit for snowmobile trails

by Kevin Bamerick

Twenty years ago, in early October, state legislators introduced in the upper and lower houses omnibus legislation titled as the “Snowmobilers Rights and Responsibilities Act.” The seven-part provisional bills were drafted by the lobbyists for the state snowmobile association (NYSSA). The primary, agreed upon emphasis was to increase registration fees and to direct snowmobilers to join a snowmobile club.

One provision proposed “studying” the 55 mph maximum speed limit for the snowmobile trails. A NYSSA ad-hoc committee was to report its findings on the feasibility to the state legislature by April. Testimonials for and against the study were filed before its release.

The state legislation aged two years under the introducers of Assemblyman Joseph Morelle (D-Rochester) and Senator Raymond Meier (R-Utica). In March 2005, Morelle amended his bill for a word change from “studying” to “establishing” the 55 mph speed limit. In August 2005, both bills were debated and passed in their respective houses.

In the Senate, with calendar 826, Dave Valesky (D-Syracuse/Oneida) spoke to law enforcement patrols. The official transcript reads: “A 55 mph speed limit, which is strongly supported by the Sheriffs Association of the state of NY, as well, comes to us through the request of snowmobilers themselves. So I will be supporting this bill,” said Senator Valesky.

As snowmobile clubs prepare their snowmobile trail signage for next month’s official snowmobile season opening, Congressman Joe Morelle (NY-25) said, “I am extremely proud to have passed the Snowmobiler Rights & Responsibilities Act during my time in the NYS Assembly. Particularly consequential is the mandatory 55 mph speed limit. By curbing speed and making trails with speed limit signs, we are ensuring the continued safety of riders, cars and pedestrians. On this 18th anniversary, I reflect on the act’s success in anticipation of the 2023-24 snowmobile season.”

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