
NYSOFA releases data from statewide needs assessment survey of New Yorkers 60+

May is Older Americans Month and the New York State Office for the Aging (NYSOFA) has released county-by-county data from its Community Assessment Survey of Older Adults. The statewide survey – which received nearly 27,000 responses from New Yorkers age 60 and older – is the first and most comprehensive of its kind in New York State, providing extensive findings on how older adults view themselves and the communities in which they live.

The 62 county-specific reports are available on NYSOFA’s website (
), offering key insights for local governments, human services organizations, businesses, research organizations, and others interested in understanding the views, experiences, and priorities of older adults in their communities.

The statewide Comprehensive Community Assessment Survey was conducted in the winter and spring of 2023 in partnership with the research firm Polco and the Association on Aging in New York (AgingNY).

NYSOFA Director Greg Olsen said, “The county results we are announcing today include over 100 data points and information on the preferences of nearly 27,000 older adults statewide, as well as their perceptions of themselves, their communities, and the needs of their communities. While the results may be surprising to some, they confirm what many in the aging services field already recognize – older adults broadly consider themselves healthy, active, and engaged in their communities. The local results vary, and they identify several challenges for many older adults who need some assistance or support. NYSOFA and our partners across state and local governments are working to address these needs and challenges at multiple levels.”

The aggregate Statewide Community Assessment Survey results were used to inform NYSOFA’s Four-Year Plan. The federally required plan is submitted to the Administration on Community Living (ACL) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), outlining how NYSOFA and its network will address federal priorities for older adults.

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