
“Stone Soup Auction” meets goal for support of canal mural

A successful “Stone Soup Auction” was held on Friday, May 3, as part of the “Low Bridge, High Water” celebration of the canal opening. The auction, which has a history of supporting public art in Brockport, this time supported a mural to appear on the outside wall of the Village Maintenance Building on East Avenue. The mural will depict an historical scene of canal construction related to the canal’s reconfiguration as the Barge Canal, the Brockport section of which was completed in 1914-15. The grand image will honor the area residents who physically labored on the canal construction.

With about 90 people attending the auction at Brockport High School, $5,570 was collected after expenses. It more than covers the funds needed to match a grant of $2,843 from the Arts and Cultural Council for Greater Rochester.

Sixty-seven items were auctioned off, including a North African dinner for eight. A necklace created by Alicia Fink, valued at $500, was raffled off and received $780 in ticket sales with Deanna Shifton the winner.

“We are grateful to all the donors and those who attended,” Alicia Fink said, one of the event organizers. “We are happy and we were exhausted. This is a long process, with a lot of work at the end. We think we have a good system which we will be happy to pass on to someone younger to continue the tradition of an art auction in Brockport.”

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