
Local pastor spends part of sabbatical at Princeton

Michael L. Sloan, pastor of the First Congregational Church UCC of Spencerport, is spending a portion of his sabbatical as an Engle Fellow at the Joe R. Engle Institute of Preaching at Princeton Theological Seminary.

He will transcribe and analyze 10 to 15 sermons of the noted African American Minister, James Forbes, using the methods learned at the Joe R. Engle Institute. In 1993 and 1994, James Forbes was named by Ebony magazine as one of the greatest preachers in the nation.

This sabbatical project follows up on some of Rev. Sloan’s Doctoral research on Rev. Dr. Forbes’ ministry at Riverside Church in Manhattan.

The Rev. Sloan has been the pastor of the First Congregational Church since February 2019.

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