
Celebrating Independence Day every day

What does independence mean to you?

Is it the ability to take part in activities you enjoy, to choose how and where you spend each day? Is it the ability to be able to connect with others, to know that you are part of a community?

Al Sigl Member Agencies serve over 55,000 kids and adults with special needs in our community. Each summer, they share the stories of several individuals who are leading more independent lives with the help of Al Sigl Member Agencies.

Latrice, who was featured in one of Al Sigl’s earliest Independence Day campaigns, uses every opportunity she can to educate others that people of all abilities have powerful stories to share.

She helped create a unique creative writing partnership between CP Rochester and the University of Rochester called the Inspiration Project, which pairs program participants with college students. Now in its 14th year, she remains an integral part of the collaboration as it continues to highlight the experiences and aspirations of people with special needs.

“We want to change the stereotype that says that people with unique needs can’t really achieve their aspirations,” Latrice said. “If you work at it, you can accomplish anything.”

Suzanna had been living with MS for 15 years when she reached the point where she could no longer work. “It was a scary time,” she remembers. “MS Navigators from the National MS Society guided me through challenges with my employer and health insurance. They also helped me find safe, affordable, accessible housing.” Suzanna is a loyal Buffalo Bills fan and a top fundraiser at WalkMS in Canandaigua. “As a Team Captain, hosting fundraisers has helped me overcome the stigma of using a mobility scooter in public. Now, every time I roll into a Bills game and take my place amongst the crowd that’s on its feet … that is my Independence Day.”

Visit for more stories highlighting independence, advocacy, and connection.

“Everybody knows somebody who has been helped at Al Sigl,” Latrice said.

Donations raised as part of Al Sigl’s Independence Day campaign stay local and benefit seven Al Sigl Member Agencies, including CP Rochester, EPI, Medical Motor Service, National Multiple Sclerosis Society Upstate NY, Rochester Hearing & Speech Center, Rochester Rehabilitation, and Starbridge.

Provided information and photos

Latrice helped create the Inspiration Project, a creative writing partnership between CP Rochester and the U of R.

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