
Landcape project incorporates many skills for Hilton class

Students in Steve Randall’s 12:1:1 class at Hilton High School are doing their part to make the school grounds beautiful. They recently created a garden bordered with six by six timbers that are secured to the ground with rebar, filled it with garden soil and planted mums and 40 tulip bulbs. In the spring, students will plant flowers that they grew from seed in their greenhouse over the winter months.

“Some of the students in the class are focusing on the planting and caring of the seedlings while others are doing the labor that involves tools and other equipment,” said Randall. The class also created seasonal plywood cutouts in art class that they’ve added to the garden for decoration.

The project has a service component as well. In years past they have made wood duck nesting boxes that were placed around a nearby marsh and bluebird houses were built and added to the north edge of the high school property. Last year the class even trained a guide dog puppy.

“This year we are beautifying the school grounds and will also be participating in a project to introduce a new blight-resistant strain of chestnut trees,” explained Randall. The class will soon begin growing the chestnut tree seedlings provided by the American Chestnut Foundation in their classroom nursery.

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