CNB supports Hillside’s Special Santa online program

Canandaigua National Bank & Trust (CNB) has been a longtime supporter of the Hillside Special Santa program and will continue to support the program as a sponsor of their online efforts in 2020.
The Hillside Special Santa program, which provides gifts to children and families served by Hillside programs (youth who are receiving services ranging from community-based or in-home services all the way to day treatment and residential care), will look different this year. The 2020 campaign has moved fully online for increased safety during the pandemic, which means the donation boxes and wish tags displayed at CNB branch locations in previous years, will not be used to accept donations this year.
CNB will assist Hillside’s efforts in new ways this year. CNB will be supporting Special Santa with a corporate sponsorship, promotional banners on with a link to the program site, posters in the branches, and social media. In addition, a Casual Blue for Charity day, benefitting the Special Santa program, will be held on December 4; where employees can choose to donate $5 to wear blue jeans to support the charity’s fundraising efforts. Donations are also accepted by the community in support of Hillside Special Santa during Casual Blue day.
In addition to monetary donations, Hillside has established an Amazon Charity List as another way the community can support their program. Visit Hillside’s Special Santa webpage at for a direct link to its Amazon Charity List. A direct donation to Hillside’s Special Santa program or your online purchase will help ensure that every child in the program receives gifts this season. In these exceptionally difficult times for charities and non-profits, these collective efforts can make the holidays a little brighter for the children and families served by Hillside.
Last year Special Santa provided more than 12,000 toys and gifts for nearly 4,500 young people and families served by Hillside with support from CNB, its employees and customers, and other generous donors.
Founded in 1887, Canandaigua National Bank & Trust is the region’s only local, full-service, community-owned financial institution, with 24 branches in Ontario and Monroe counties, as well as three Financial Services Offices, located in Canandaigua, Bushnell’s Basin, and downtown Rochester. Together they offer a full range of financial services for individuals, businesses, municipalities, and not-for-profit organizations. For information, visit
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