Oak Orchard Health recognized for quality care for its patients

Oak Orchard Health (OOH) has been recertified through the New York State Patient-Centered Medical Home (NYS PCMH) program. This means that OOH has again met the criteria of this program and the benefits to its patients are better health, lower costs, and better patient experiences.
The Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) is a model of care that puts patients as the primary focus of care. PCMHs build better relationships between people and their clinical care teams. Research shows that they improve quality, patient experience, and staff satisfaction while reducing health care costs.
“Our patients not only have a primary care provider, but also a team of caregivers such as our patient engagement team that addresses housing, food, language barriers, and so much more. You can’t get a patient healthy if they have transportation issues and struggle to get their prescriptions. We help solve those problems too,” said Chief Clinical Officer, Mary Obear, MD, PhD.
During the pandemic, OOH adapted its practices to be sure patients received the care they needed. One example is telehealth technology, which allows communication with patients who want to “see” their providers. This has been particularly helpful with behavioral health and improved communication with patients who were facing stressful situations.

“Oak Orchard Health has been a certified Patient-Centered Medical Home (PCMH) since 2012. Our certification as a PCMH by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) means our patients can count on high-quality health care delivered with an emphasis on care coordination and communication,” said Mary Ann Pettibon, CEO, Oak Orchard Health.
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