
Chicks have arrived at CountryMax stores

Baby chicks have arrived once again at all CountryMax Stores. Customers can see these fluffy little friends in the store’s custom-made “peep nests,” featuring a viewing window on the side. 

They’re warm under the heat lamps, just waiting to find their new homes. Most stores have three or four varieties of chicks, including Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, and Easter Eggers (that lay blue-tinted eggs). Plus, customers can special order from more than 50+ varieties.

Chickens are very social birds. That’s why New York State requires a minimum purchase quantity of six. CountryMax has plenty, and they also carry all the feed and supplies needed to start a backyard flock, including coops, shavings, chicken wire, and various specialty items.

Not sure you’re ready to raise backyard chickens? There are a few things to learn before you start. CountryMax is hosting a “Virtual Chicken Chat” on Tuesday, April 5, at 7 p.m., featuring expert advice on raising happy, healthy chickens. Visit to sign up.

With 18 locations across New York State, CountryMax specializes in pet supplies, lawn and garden products, homesteading supplies, wild bird feeders and seed, grills and propane, even barn and stable products. To find a store near you, visit

Provided information

Fluffy friends – young chicks can be very curious little creatures.

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