Local flower show coming in July

If you love flowers like I do, you’ll want to know about a first-time flower show planned locally for this July.
Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension’s Master Gardener Program and 4-H Youth Development are sponsoring a flower show which will be held during the Orleans County 4-H Fair July 27 through August 1.
One of the most exciting aspects of the flower show is that there are open and junior divisions, meaning anyone can enter. The flower show will run the entire week, but exhibits will be judged from 2 to 5 p.m. on Monday, July 27.
Organizers encourage participants to use their imagination for entries and there are a number of categories from which to choose: cut flower bouquet (single or multiple stems); kissing ball design; miniature or fairy gardens; dried flower or dried flower bouquets; edible container arrangement; foliage houseplants or flowering houseplants; made for the shade; bountiful baskets; pedestal or regular urns for sun; painting or drawing of a flower or garden.
Entries may be made individually, as groups/organizations or as businesses. Individuals may submit up to three entries per class. Groups or businesses may submit one entry per class. 4-Hers can show as Open, but may not exceed three entries per class in total.
If you would like to enter exhibits, you must pre-register by the close of the day on July 20. Entry forms, general rules, information and entry cards are available online at www.cce.cornell.edu/orleans – click on the Fair tab. Be aware also that entrants are expected to maintain their exhibits in show condition during Fair Week. Plant material which wilts or becomes unsightly must be replaced. Master Gardeners will help with watering, but will not have access to replacement material.
Also – entries must include fresh, dried or planted plant material. No artificial plant materials are allowed in any exhibit.
Once exhibit judging on Monday of Fair Week is complete, the exhibits will be displayed in the flower show booth in the Lartz Building on the Orleans County Fairgrounds, which is located on State Rt. 31 between Albion and Medina.
Additionally, Master Gardeners and local garden clubs will provide a variety of programs at 6 p.m. each evening, with the exception of Wednesday, July 29.
On Wednesday evening, a Fresh Bouquet Competition is planned and is open to the public. Participants will have a set amount of time and will be given floral-themed materials with which to design an arrangement. Prizes awarded will be based on skills demonstrated and the overall appeal of the design. There is an entry fee of $10 and you can register the week of Fair at the Fair Office.
If you think you are interested in participating, now is the time to plan, brainstorm ideas and begin preparation of exhibits. Organizers encourage creativity so get inspired and have some fun letting your plant/floral imagination run wild.
Entries can be brought to the Lartz Building Sunday, July 26 from 4 to 7 p.m. or Monday, July 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Entries will not be accepted after 1 p.m.
If you are an exhibitor, you will receive a free one-day fair pass valued at $5 – or you can choose a weekly pass instead, and pay only $10. The weekly pass is valued at $15.
Call Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension at 798-4265 with questions.