Mud Runs – Fun and fitness for the whole family

Mud runs are obstacle course type races on a muddy course and have been growing in popularity due to their fun and challenging nature. Mud runs typically range from 3 to 10 miles, and the main goal is to participate in the obstacles and navigate the course. Obstacles can include navigating fields of mud, jumping fences, structures to climb over, rope climbs, water to wade or swim through and more. No experience is required to participate.
However, having some level of basic fitness is important if you plan to run or finish in a competitive time. Mud runs can be great for all ages and fitness levels and provide a fun outdoor event to challenge your physical fitness, stamina, and confidence. Mud runs can be done individually, with family, friends or create a team with fun costumes or matching team shirts. They have grown in popularity which is bringing more mud run events to our area.
The local Mud Run Season 2018 officially starts with the Greece Gauntlet on Saturday, June 9 at Greece Arcadia High School. This mud run is a 5k with approximately 20 obstacles. Visit for more information.
A few weeks later, on Saturday, June 16, Your First Mud Run takes place at Gates Memorial Park. This mud run is designed for anyone six years and up and is a great first timer event with the course only being 1.5 miles and 10 to 16 obstacles. Visit for more information. Both of these local events are great first time mud runs or an excellent warm up for those who plan to participate in some of the more competitive mud runs later in the season.
Western New York offers more challenging mud runs including a 13 mile course at the Bone Frog held at Kissing Bridge Ski Resort on July 28; the 10 mile Tough Mudder, scheduled for Saturday, August 4, this is a 5k mud run on scenic Seneca Lake. Vino and the Beast will be held on August 18 at Three Brothers Winery.
Mud runs are not only great fun but can also really help build self-confidence. Overcoming obstacles and finishing the event regardless of the time is an awesome morale booster. Participating in a mud run is a great bonding event for family, friends and co-workers. Often when you decide to participate in an event such as a mud run, it can help inspire you to work towards being more active and reach an improved state of fitness. For more information on area mud runs visit.