A note to Brockport residents

For all of us these are unquestionably tough times. The coronavirus comes with social isolation, concerns about our loved ones, the economy, worries about children missing school, having to work from home, or worse, not working at all.
We want to keep you abreast of the news regarding COVID-19, and particularly the many reliable, useful sources. Governor Cuomo’s daily press conference, live-streamed on his website (https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/home) and broadcast on television is fact driven, New York focused, and very detailed. Monroe County publishes daily updates on the coronavirus statistics in our county; Congressman Joe Morelle’s webpage offers coronavirus resources, as does that of State Senator Robert Ortt. Livingston County Economic Development is recognized statewide for information helpful to local businesses, especially in these difficult fiscal times. We have posted links to these and other resources on our website (www.brockportny.org/news/covid-19) and on the Village of Brockport‘s Facebook page.
Village government operations during the epidemic.
•DPW – is operating on split shifts to increase social distancing among our work force. They continue all essential services; non-urgent services and responses follow as staffing and efforts to minimize exposure allow. Our parks remain open but, until further notice, playground equipment and athletic courts are closed. Maintenance of parks, our urban forest, and vegetation management continue. Spring brush pickup will take place as scheduled. Overnight dump trucks are not available at this time. Routine work that is not essential will resume when the health crisis abates.
•Police – The Brockport Police Department continues to respond to all calls for service, including business and house checks. Local parking laws remain in effect and are enforced. The police department building is staffed, but the outside door locked during business hours. To speak with someone and to drop off prescription drugs, pick up the outside phone and someone will come to your assistance. The police continue their regular patrols of the village. If they encounter groups gathering or violating playground and athletic court closures, they will request compliance with social distancing.
•Village Hall Operations – Village Hall remains closed with one staff member present each day to handle mail, banking, phone calls, and payroll. The locked dropbox is available anytime to pay water bills, building and code invoices, or leave general correspondence. Water bills can also be paid at www.brockportny.org under Quick Links, Pay My Bill. Village Hall staff, Department Heads, and Village Board members are just a phone call (or email) away; we retrieve village voicemail remotely.
•Meetings – The Village Board will continue to hold regularly scheduled meetings the first and third Mondays of the month at 7 p.m. under the terms of Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order 202.1 which temporarily suspends the Open Meetings Law. Meetings will be video-conferenced via Zoom, allowing audio audience participation. Viewing requires the Zoom app, which is a free download from the app store. Detailed instructions and meeting login information is posted on our website under News. Meeting agendas, as always, will be posted on the Village website in advance of the meeting and will include meeting login details; approved village board minutes will be similarly posted. The April 6 budget hearing is the next scheduled Village Board Meeting.
In closing, I hope that you are staying safe and healthy, frequently washing your hands, and observing proper social distancing. Enjoy the outdoors (I’ve encountered many of you on the Erie Canal path) and stay informed about the COVID-19 virus and the resources available in the current crisis. Village Administration, Department heads and I are here to listen and help. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your questions and concerns.
Be well.
Margay Blackman, Mayor, Village of Brockport