I thought it was about time that you heard from me. Those of you who look for me should have no problem seeing me standing alone in this flat, barren field. That is evident in the picture above, taken after one of our light snowfalls a few weeks ago.
There has been a noticeable decline in traffic on Route 259, beyond that caused by the canal bridge closure in Spencerport. My scribe tells me it is because of an epidemic called COVID-19, which has afflicted our nation. Schools are closed, some folks are off from work, and people are encouraged to stay home.
Knowing that, I say, “Here we go again.” With what, you may ask. Well, since I was shown as a mature tree on a 1928 aerial picture of this field, I must have experienced the Spanish Flu that afflicted our country and the world, from January 1918 until December 1920. There probably aren’t many humans alive today that can recall living through that event. Too bad I can’t remember stuff and pass it on, but that’s the way it is if you’re a tree!
So again, Spring is here, so am I, and so are you. I’m looking forward to seeing what the year will bring and hoping there will be something planted here this year. It is always a pleasure for me to watch the workers preparing for, planting, and harvesting a crop. After all, there is not much else that goes on in my life.
My wish for all is that you and yours stay healthy and can soon return to the life you were living before COVID-19 disrupted it. My scribe says you all have to practice something called “social distancing.” Well, let me assure you that you can survive that just as I have for most of my life.