Sacheli saluted for contribution to Brockport’s historic preservation

On behalf of Brockport’s Historic Preservation Board, I salute Frank Sacheli on the occasion of his 100th birthday. Frank did more than anyone else to ensure the preservation of Brockport’s historic Victorian commercial architecture. In 1964, the Village Board approved an Urban Renewal project that would have demolished 106 commercial structures and 55 dwellings between Park Avenue and Queen Street and along the canal. Frank led a citizens group that opposed the plan. In the 1965 elections, he was elected mayor as a write-in candidate with two running mates. They killed the plan. Today, some 60 of those structures have been honored with listing on the State and National Registers of Historic Places, and Brockport can claim with pride to be “The Victorian Village on the Erie Canal.” Good work, Frank.
Bill Andrews, Chair
Brockport’s Historic Preservation Board