
Time to get back to the gym!

by Tami Mungenast CPT CNWC

Now that summer and our warm days are over, outdoor workouts options are fewer due to the weather. Most gyms throughout our area have reopened and are following new protocols to ensure a sanitary environment. You will find that the sanitation of surfaces is occurring more frequently by the fitness center’s staff. Equipment is also spaced out to allow a healthy distance between members. The mask requirement is also still in effect in New York State.  

Here are some tips to help you get to the gym for your workouts and stay healthy:
Be time and space conscious – Most facilities are limiting the number of members that can enter.  Try to schedule your workouts when its naturally less crowded. Peak workout hours are usually before work or in the evening. If you are of high risk and concerned, perhaps a smaller gym would help limit the number of people you would be potentially exposed to. The less time you spend in the gym the less exposure you will have. So, get in and get your workout done and get out.  

Sanitize sanitize sanitize – Although the fitness center takes care of the equipment, I suggest you take control of your personal sanitation. Start by using hand cleaner after you put your mask on before entering the gym. Rewash you hands a few times during the work out and on your way out.  

Bring your own supplies, hand cleaner and disinfectant wipes. Consider having these items in your gym bag to give you peace of mind that they equipment you are touching is sanitized before you use it.  

Mask up – Most people can perform regular workouts while wearing a face mask. Although it might not be as comfortable it helps you avoid touching your face after touching gym surfaces as well as reduce breathing in some one else’s germs. Slowly acclimate to doing cardio with a mask. Increase time and intensity gradually. If you feel dizzy at all take a rest and step outside for some fresh air.  

Bring your own water and shower at home – Due to the policies issued by the state, water fountains are closed. Be sure to bring your own water if your gym does not sell water. Showers are also required to be closed so plan accordingly. Although the safety protocols might seem inconvenient at first, it is important to remember that one of the best ways to improve your immune system and fight all viruses including COVID – 19 is to exercise regularly, eat a healthy balanced diet and maintain a healthy body weight. As we have learned from the past six months of a pandemic, our health is our greatest wealth!

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