There is a way to utilize the talents and skills of all of those people in heath care who lost their jobs because they chose to not be vaccinated for Covid-19.
In different locations around the state of New York there are hospitals that have closed for one reason or another. Those hospitals could be opened back up and those health professionals who chose not to be vaccinated could be put to work there. Those citizens of New York who chose not to be vaccinated and who needed to be hospitalized due to contracting Covid-19 could be sent to those hospitals.
That would relieve those beds now occupied by those people in other hospitals and make room for those who were vaccinated and still got the disease. That would also ease the tremendous burden on those in health care that put their lives on the line every day to care for those who refused to be vaccinated, which is very unfair to those health care professionals.
If closed hospitals could not be found there are lots of empty buildings throughout the state that could be used in that way. If China could build a brand new hospital every 10 days at the start of the pandemic we could certainly make use of a building already standing in that amount of time for this purpose.
Keith Ryan
Westside News Inc.