Spencerport Area Chamber opens office

The Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce has established a local office in the Village of Spencerport.
On February 10 the Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce opened its first office at 129 South Union Street, Spencerport. Located in the historic Spencerport Professional Building, owned by Glynne and Kris Schultz, the office will serve members, prospective members and those seeking information regarding the Spencerport-Ogden-South Parma community.
It is expected the new office presence will increase Chamber accessibility, communication and visibility. The location provides an opportunity for business people and others to share comments, ideas and suggestions more easily.
Brochures, business directories and area maps will be available. Details on general monthly meetings, networking and special events are also available. In addition, credit card processing for annual awards dinner tickets, luncheon meeting costs and membership dues is offered.
The Chamber’s Website, www.spencer-portchamber.org has also been updated and lists businesses by category and name, and links to other websites. Chamber application and scholarship forms and general information are on-line.
The Chamber office is volunteer-staffed Mondays from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Appointments can be arranged as well. The new Chamber telephone number is 585-617-0200.
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