“Old Fashion Fourth of July” celebration returns to Morgan-Manning House lawn for the 33rd year

This year’s July 4 patriotic celebration on Brockport’s Morgan Manning House lawn will begin at 10 o’clock with a flag ceremony and songs by the Brockport High School Choir. The Children’s Parade begins immediately after, at about 10:15 a.m.
The parade features families and kids of all ages in patriotic attire riding or pushing tricycles, bicycles, strollers, carriages, and pulling wagons also suitably decorated. Join the parade starting in front of Morgan-Manning House, moving onto Main Street, to Union Street, Park Avenue and South Street, and ending at the carriage house. Kids in the parade will receive gift bags.
At 11 a.m., following the Children’s Parade, a concert begins with the stirring sounds of The Brockport Community Concert Band playing patriotic tunes, show tunes, American selections and marches. The Brockport Community Concert Band premiered two years ago, following a 30-year tradition of the Brockport High School Band opening the July 4 event. Expanded beyond the high school, the band now represents the entire community, including families, Brockport Central students and music staff, area music teachers, college students, and others. Shawn Halquist continues his many years as director.
At noon, The Brockport Big Band continues a long tradition at the July 4 celebration, bringing sounds of composers like Duke Ellington, County Basie, and Stan Kenton from the 1940’s Big Band Jazz era.
Children’s Games take place from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Kids will get to play old fashioned games such as ring toss, clothespin-in-a-jar, and others. There will be face painting and chalk art on the sidewalk.
The Cake Walk at 1:15 p.m. is a popular event, providing amusement and a free cake, if you win.
Food and refreshments will be available from 11 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., including hamburgers, veggie burgers, Italian sausage, and hot dogs. Ice cream novelties, cookies, and popcorn will be sold also.
Tours of the Morgan-Manning House will be available for free from 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. The Morgan-Manning House was built in 1854. After a disastrous fire in 1964, it now stands fully restored and furnished much like it was in the 19th century. The tours cover the first floor only.
Community musicians who would like to join the band many contact Shawn Halquist at shawn.halquist@bcs1.org. Rehearsals are July 2 and 3, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the High School Band room.
The entertainment and other aspects of the event are paid for from a Liberty Mutual “Restore the Fourth” grant won by the Village and The Western Monroe Historical Society four years ago.
The Western Monroe Historical Society sponsors the event offered free to the public. The WMHS offices are located in the Morgan-Manning House, 151 Main Street, Brockport. For information, contact the office at 585-637-3645, or see the web site www.morganmanninghouse.org.
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