
What’s a canaligator?

canaligators splashdownEver wonder what a canaligator is? Canaligators are native to Spencerport and they only make appearances in late July on the last Sunday of the month.   Make a stop out to the Spencerport Canal Days and find out more about these indigenous creatures!

The Canaligator Race will be held on Sunday, July 27 at 4:30 p.m. near the Lift Bridge in the Village of Spencerport.   About 1,000 small, green, plastic canaligators will be launched off the Lift Bridge.   Prizes will be awarded for the first five and last five canaligators that cross the finish line. Prizes include Wegmans and Tops gift cards, a wine tour package, a TV, a gift card to the Adams Basin Inn as well as an Atlas Fitness Gym membership and a Spencerport Dining Passport.

Pre-sale canaligator tickets can be purchased at The Unique Shop and the Spencerport Senior Center, both located in the Village of Spencerport. Tickets are $5.00 each or five for $20. The tickets will also be available at the two Canal Days Information booths during Canal Days; one booth will be located on Union Street and another in the Firemen’s Field near the Gazebo.

Ally the Canaligator is the new Canaligator Race mascot. He has been making appearances all around the area and even made an appearance in the Spencerport Firemen’s Parade.

“It’s exciting to see the joy on children’s faces when they see me and I can make them smile. I’m looking forward to watching the Canaligator Race and my little friends race down the Canal,” Ally said.
The time of this year’s race is new; the race will begin at 4:30 p.m.

“We wanted the Canaligator Race to be the culminating event for Canal Days,” said Lori Antonelli, Canaligator Race Committee member.

In years past, the proceeds from this race has benefitted a local non-profit or community organization. The Race Committee expects to do the same this year.   Last year, the race proceeds were earmarked for Five Star Housing, a home in Spencerport for veterans.

“We purchased gift cards for the vets to help them transition into their next phase of their re-entry plans,” Antonelli explained.

For information about the Canaligator Race, visit the Canal Days website at www.spencerportcanaldays.com or find Ally The Canaligator on Facebook.

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