Holley’s Hillside Cemetery and Chapel dedicated

“The Historic Treasure in Our Midst” was an afternoon of celebration and dedication at Hillside Cemetery and Chapel, located at the intersection of Route 237 and South Holley Road, Holley. The September 21 event was sponsored by the Town of Clarendon to celebrate that the US Department of the Interior has recognized Hillside and its chapel by placing them on the National Register of Historic Places. A historical roadside marker will be dedicated.
The National Register recognition highlights the two distinct stylistic approaches to cemetery design which are present. The picturesque 19th century “Rural Cemetery Movement” can be seen in the eastern portion of Hillside, which is literally built into the side of the hill. The 20th century “Lawn Style” approach is seen in the western portion. The cemetery has many beautiful gravestones which are works of art. The cemetery was started in 1866. Many local settlers are buried there as are the dearly departed of numerous local families.
The chapel is in the beautiful Gothic Revival style and built of rough cut Medina Sandstone. Closed to the public for decades, an effort is now being made to restore it.
The new historical marker was dedicated and a tour of the cemetery was conducted by Bill Lattin, Orleans County Historian.