Chili Library taps into interest in musicals with Broadway Bags

If you’re a fan of Broadway musicals, you’ll be excited to hear about new materials being circulated by the Chili Public Library.
The library recently put together Broadway Bags – kits housed in heavy-duty clear-plastic bags which contain materials pertaining to various musicals.
The “Fiddler on the Roof” bag, for example, contains the original motion picture DVD, the original Broadway cast soundtrack, a new Broadway cast recording (CD), the book, Tevye the Dairyman and The Railroad Stories by Sholem Aleichem, as well as the complete vocal score.
Teen services librarian Cathy Kyle says the idea for the bags was sparked when she and co-worker Valerie Watson Scheg noticed a number of teens coming in to the library and asking for musicals.
“There are many different opportunities in the Rochester area for teens to perform on stage,” Kyle explains. “Unfortunately, sometimes it is difficult to find all the information they need if they want to practice their skills. While helping one of our regular patrons, I had mentioned our idea. She thought it was great and gave us a generous donation to get started.”
Currently, the library has about 20 kits out for circulation and more are planned.
Kyle says she and Watson Scheg scoured the Internet to see what musicals different school districts were doing and also sent out messages on Facebook asking people their favorite musical before deciding which musicals to include.
“We include as much material as we can fit in the bags,” Kyle says. “Vocal scores, CDs, DVDs, and of, course, the book the musical is based on.”
Just as with books, the kits are checked out for three weeks. Chili is currently the only library offering the Broadway Bags and they can be checked-out there, but you can also ask for one to be sent to another library within the Monroe County Library System, Kyle says.
“You can also return them to another library,” she notes, “but we hope you come here to visit. We may burst into song for you.”
Each kit has a list of all included materials on the front of the bag. The library staff checks all contents before a bag is checked-out and again when it is returned.
The library’s website, has the continually growing list of kits. Go to the teen page for details.
“We are creating musical kits of all types, from ‘Les Mis’ to ‘Cinderella.’ so we are hoping they will appeal to people of all ages,” Kyle says.
Right now, Kyle and Watson Scheg are working on Disney kits of any musicals that have been put on stage.
“We want these musicals to appeal to everyone and we’re hoping that these can bring families together and make them as passionate about musicals as we are,” Kyle explains. “We’ve had the musicals for a few months and they are very popular. They are always checked-out. It makes Valerie and me thrilled that people love musicals as much as we do.”