Annual Wine Walk

Through the efforts of their Annual Wine Walk and business memberships, the Brockport Merchants Association was able to donate $2,000 to the Brockport Food Shelf.
Located at St. Lukes Church in downtown Brockport, the Brockport Food Shelf is a community-run program that serves over 200 families each month, says Linda Kruchten-Merring, Food Shelf volunteer.
Once a month families residing in Brockport (south of Ridge Road) can come “shop at no cost” to them for foods to supplement their grocery needs thanks to many donations from the community, service organizations, churches, scouts, Foodlink and other outreach programs. Kathy Hayes, director of the Brockport Food Shelf, was very appreciative of the donation, and said the funds will go far to help serve the needs of many families.
Presenting the check to Linda Kruchten-Merring were members from the Brockport Merchants Association (shown left to right: Darrell Stewart, past president/VP (The Stewart Insurance Agency), Christina Daniels, president (Chase Bank), and Tamara Barrus, vice president (BeBe Mills Clothing Boutique).
The Merchants Association is currently planning their 4th annual fundraiser — “From Grape to Glass” Wine Walk, Saturday, March 7, from 6 to 9 p.m. Details will be forthcoming.
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