
Spencerport Lions Club conduct vision screening

eye screen JLU Spen LionsThe Spencerport Lions Club conducted vision screening for preschool children, ages one through  five, at JLU Childcare Inc., in Spencerport on January 14.

This free program is offered by local Lions clubs in collaboration with the IRA G. Ross Institute of Buffalo.

The eye screening identifies potential vision problems in preschoolers, who cannot be accurately tested by using standard methods that require complex motor and cognitive responses.

Specially trained Lions Club volunteers visit childcare facilities and use a noninvasive hand-held camera to take digital readings of the eyes of children whose parents have agreed to participate. The readings are then sent to the Institute to be evaluated by professionals. Parents are then informed of any problems that may be detected.

This program has been proven to provide early detection of visual problems, which can be successfully treated.

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