Canaligator Race means big prizes for the fastest…and slowest gators

Where else but Spencerport can you see 1,000 rubber alligators launched off a bridge into the Erie Canal? This year’s Canaligator Race is the culminating event at Spencerport Canal Days and will take place on Sunday, July 26 at 4:30 p.m. at the canal bridge.
It is easy to join in the fun. Gator tickets are currently being sold at the Unique Shop, 130 South Union St., and at the Ogden Senior Center, 200 South Union St., during the Friday night kick-off celebration and at the Information Booths located on South Union St. near the Texas Bar-B-Q Joint and at the Firemen’s Field during Canal Days. For $5 each or five for $20, participants will receive tickets and their gators will be put into a bin until the race.
For the race, all of the gators from the three locations are mixed together and launched into the canal at once by local Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. The first five gators and the last five gators to cross the finish line are the winners.
This year’s prizes are bigger and better than ever, and include: $500, $300 and $200 Wegmans gift certificates, LeGault Limousine Wine Tour for eight people valued at $500, Redline BMX bike from Sugar’s Bike Shop valued at $300, $200 gift certificates from Tops and J. William Jewelers, 18 holes of golf at Buttonwood Golf Course, an overnight stay at Adams Basin Inn Bed and Breakfast, and a Spencerport Dining Passport valued at $450.
“Every year we try to get prizes that we know the public will really want,” said Alba Alonci, who has been helping to organize the race since 2007. “Our committee has worked really hard to get donations and have purchased some prizes as well.”
Proceeds from the Canaligator Race have benefited the community and many organizations over the years. Past donations have included the purchase of bike racks, park benches and picnic tables for the Village of Spencerport and Town of Ogden, as well as contributions to the Spencerport Ecumenical Food Shelf, Spencerport Fire Department, Aurora House hospice, and Eagle Star Housing for veterans.
“We vote as a committee on where the proceeds will go,” said Alonci. “This year we are hoping to do something in memory of our former mayor, Joyce Lobene.”
Look for Ally, the Canaligator, who will be advertising the race beginning Friday night and both days of the festival. He even has his own Facebook page!