
Take the Community Free Library Survey

The Community Free Library in Holley will conduct a survey via print and electronic sources to find out how to best communicate with individuals and families about library programs and services in their circulation area.

“We plan many programs for children and adults. Some are well attended. Some are not. We want to use our tax dollars effectively by having programming people want to and will attend,” according to Barb Kerns, President of the Board of Trustees for the Library. “We also have many free services available to our community members we’d like to make sure they know about. To do this, we need to know the best ways to reach people. Therefore, we have prepared this survey to see how people obtain information.”

To encourage people to return the survey to the library, names of all people completing the survey will be entered in a drawing for a $50 gift card for Walmart.

The survey will take place during the month of November, with a December deadline for returning the surveys to the library.

The Suburban News has both the print version available as well as an electronic version. Those preferring to submit the electronic version may go to http://goo.gl/forms/T4uzUkbiyf

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