Holley biggest winner contest keeps participants active

Participants perform lunges, led by Scott Haug (wearing hat), owner of S & S Fitness and Martial Arts Center, during the December meeting of the Holley’s Biggest Winner Weight Reduction Contest. Provided photo
The Holley Biggest Winner Weight Reduction Contest was in full swing at its December 1 monthly meeting in the Holley Elementary School Cafeteria. After weighing in, the participants stayed to listen to the owners of S & S Fitness and Martial Arts Center, Scott and Sandy Haug, talk about interval training and participate in a workout session led by the Haugs.
The contest is in its fourth year at the school, with anyone age 10 or older who lives in Holley or works for the school district eligible to participate. In the past three years, 152 participants have lost a grand total of 901 pounds in the contest.
The contest kicked off in November with a presentation on nutrition by the Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension. The 48 participants weigh in at the school on the first Tuesday of each month, and then stay for a presentation on a different aspect of exercise or nutrition.
Plans for this year’s presentations include a session on meal choices led by the Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension, another exercise session using fitness equipment led by the Haugs and a fitness demonstration on proper exercise form and equipment use by Agapé.
The district invites anyone from the community to attend the informational presentations, even if they choose not to participate in the Biggest Winner program.
At the December meeting, participants worked out their upper and lower bodies by doing two sets each of bicep curls, triceps extensions, skier jumps, squats and lunges with the Haugs. The two sets, or intervals, work off more calories than a constant level of effort in the same exercise because they increase the level of cardiovascular effort.
At each meeting, participants have a chance to win prizes in the monthly drawing. Current prizes being offered include restaurant deals and tickets to sporting events, museums, art galleries, state parks and amusement parks. Grand prizes will be awarded to those who lose the most percentage of weight by the final meeting in June.
Grand prizes so far include a Wegmans gift card, an overnight at the Rochester Airport Marriott Hotel, and cash prizes from Heath & Martin and Christopher Mitchell Funeral Homes, Inc.
The next meeting of the Biggest Winner Contest will take place on January 5 at 6:30 p.m., where Robert Batt from Orleans County Cornell Cooperative Extension will present information about meal choices and food additives, using a Star Wars theme.
For more information, contact Communications Specialist Beth Nash at 349-9028 or email bnash@monroe2boces.org.
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