
Hamlin Wheel Fest to feature Silent Auction benefitting Mia Foundation

The 19th Annual Hamlin Wheel Fest will be held on Saturday, June 4 from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. at the Hamlin Firemen’s Field, 1521 Lake Road. This year’s festival will once again feature a silent auction that benefits a local not-for-profit organization.

The Wheel Fest Committee, which has had many of the same members since the festival began, makes suggestions as to where the proceeds should go and then committee members vote.

Past recipients include the Hamlin VFW Post 6703, Craig A. Goodrich Dog Shelter, Life Solutions, Hamlin Fire Department, Hamlin Public Library and Hamlin Recreation just to name a few. “Every year the proceeds go to a different group that helps the community,” said Michelle Johnson, Deputy Town Clerk. “The Mia Foundation was chosen this year.”

The Mia Foundation was developed four years ago to give animals born with birth defects a fighting chance. The Foundation was inspired by a tiny Chihuahua named Mia, who was born with a cleft palate. It was suggested at birth that she be euthanized, but Sue Rogers and her husband, Gary, gave her tender loving care and not only did she survive for almost two years, but she paved the way for the more than 500 animals that have been helped by the Foundation so far.

“Not all of the animals survive, but ALL are given a chance,” said Rogers. “So many animals born with birth defects, such as cleft palates or missing limbs, are euthanized at birth. With a little work and a lot of love, these animals give back so much more than anyone could possibly imagine. All they need is a chance!”

The Mia Foundation runs solely on donations. In one week alone they can spend $7,000 for surgeries, routine vet appointments and critical cases. “Fundraisers are very important in raising much needed funds to keep the Foundation going,” noted Rogers.

The Foundation partners with Hamlin Dog Shelter to foster some of the animals and the shelter even has a kennel dedicated to the Mia Foundation. “We love the crew over there and are so blessed to have them on our team,” said Rogers. “It helps to have a place to show dogs in person. The dogs can be viewed by the public instead of just seeing pictures on the internet.”

Over 40 businesses and individuals have donated items to the silent auction so far. They include hair products, dog items, kitchen items, dolls, stuffed animals, hats, bags, toys, fabric, file folders, t-shirts, candles, lotions, soaps, a tax preparation gift certificate, baby blankets, gift certificates for restaurants and stores, gift baskets, tickets to Red Wings, Rochester Flash and Buffalo Sabres games, and much more.

“The Mia Foundation and its precious animals thanks Hamlin and the Wheel Fest Committee for having us be the recipients of this year’s donations,” said Rogers. To learn more about the Mia Foundation, visit themiafoundation.com.

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