Hilton/Parma Winter Fest and Family Day of Play

The lack of snow in the forecast has meant a few changes for the upcoming 2017 Hilton-Parma Parks and Recreation’s Winter Fest and Family Day of Play set for Saturday, January 28.
Parks and Recreation Director Tom Venniro says the event typically includes a number of snow related outdoor activities such as snow shoeing, snow games, sledding and ice skating; however, this year’s plans have been altered to accommodate the lack of a snow pack and the possibility snow might not fall before the event.
“No snow, no problem,” Venniro says. “Winter is here, so let’s have some fun with it at our Winter Fest. Bundle up and bring the family out.”
Snowmobile rides continue to be on the agenda, if the weather permits, but the event is being moved from the VFW on Peck Road to the Village Community Center on Henry Street to facilitate more indoor winter activities.
“The event will feature an indoor warming zone with hot chocolate, s’mores, free hot dogs, winter crafts, family games, Gaga, music and more,” Venniro says. “We will also have our special guests for mascot madness as we host local mascots such as Spike, Mittsy and more to join in the fun with the crowd.”
The event is free and open to all ages, but Venniro says those planning to attend should pre-register at www.parmany.org/Recreation so that organizers know how many people to expect.
“If the snow comes, we plan to have more outdoor activities, so make sure to dress appropriately and please note our location change to the Village Community Center to allow for more indoor activities,” Venniro says.
The Village Community Center is located at 59 Henry Street in the Village of Hilton. The Winter Fest and Family Day of Play runs from 12 noon until 3 p.m. on the 28.