
Celebrate the Civilian Conservation Corps at Letchworth State Park

Eighty four years ago the first of four Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) camps opened in Letchworth State Park. Over the next eight years more than three thousand out of work young men would take advantage of a remarkable Great Depression era program and lay the foundation, literally stone by stone, for the modern park.

Their experience and achievements will be honored and celebrated at a special CCC Legacy Day at Letchworth State Park on Saturday, August 5.

Events begin at 8:30 a.m. with a visit to the 1936 CCC lean-to near the Hogsback Overlook. Other activities include the dedication of the Gibsonville CCC Camp’s chimney recently restored by the Friends of Letchworth Park, the raising of the Park’s special CCC Commemorative Flag at the CCC Memorial Flag Pole at the Lower Falls, and a remembrance ceremony at the Park’s CCC that includes the laying of a memorial wreath to honor all the Park’s CCC members. A tour of the site of the Big Bend Camp is also planned.

A series of special exhibits, activities and mini-talks are open to the public from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.  Highlights include a traveling Great Depression art exhibit by the nationally known WPA Art Gallery operated by the Livingston Arts Council, information tables by the  official national CCC Legacy organization,  New York State’s Excelsior Program – New York State’s modern day work program for young people and the Friends of Letchworth booth.

There will be a variety of CCC and 1930s related family activities including building a CCC style cabin or shelter using Lincoln Logs and story-telling about the famous CCC stone arch bridge.

Individuals who attended all the day’s events will receive the “We Can Take It” Award, named after the Civilian Conservation Corps motto.  The award includes a special certificate from Letchworth Park and a pin.

All events are free and open to the public. Afternoon activities at the Lower Falls are handicapped accessible. For details, locations and times for all planned events, visit friendsofLetchworth.com or call Letchworth Park directly at 493-3600.

This entire day is planned and supported by Friends of Letchworth, a volunteer organization whose mission is to support the preservation, conservation and careful development of Letchworth State Park.

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