
RWC Community Theatre holding auditions

Auditions for Roberts Wesleyan College Community Theatre’s January 2019 production of Peter Pan will be held Tuesday, September 18 and Wednesday, September 19 at Hale Auditorium at Roberts Wesleyan College.

Registration for children and teens (up to eighth grade) is at 5 p.m. with auditions beginning at 5:30 p.m. Registration for adults (ninth grade and up) is at 6:30 p.m. with auditions beginning at 7 p.m.

Those auditioning are asked to prepare 32 bars of a musical theatre song that shows off their range and acting skills. An accompanist will be provided – no a cappella auditions.  There will be no dance audition. Those who wish to be considered for specialty dancing will be asked to attend callbacks.

Callbacks will be held on Friday, September 21 at 6 p.m.  Those asked to come back for callbacks will be asked to prepare a music from the show as well as some readings. There will also be a choreography audition, so please bring appropriate shoes.

If you are interested in auditioning but have a conflict for the audition dates and times, email Eric at rwcctheatre@gmail.com to schedule an audition prior to the scheduled audition dates.

Visit roberts.edu/rwcct/auditions/ for additional information.

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