
Newman Riga Library announces summer reading game

“A Universe of Stories” is the theme for the 2019 Summer Reading Game at the Newman Riga Library. Beginning on June 27 and ending August 8, school-aged children can play the game anytime the library is open. Children who want to play are given a game board. Those who complete their game boards will be entered in a drawing for prizes. Preschool-aged children will participate in an independent reading program with a parent while maintaining a log. Presenting the reading log at the end of the program will result in a packet of prizes. Young adults are encouraged to read whatever books they choose, allowing them to apply their requisite reading for school to the game for prizes.

In honor of the 50th anniversary of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, the kick-off program this year is Barry Nobles’ Backyard Lander on Thursday, June 27. The Backyard Lander itself is too big to come into the library and will be displayed on the library lawn during the afternoon, with presentations at 3 and 7 p.m. The 3 p.m. program will be geared more towards children, while the evening program will be more for adults. Visit backyardlander.com for more information about this project

Other scheduled programs at the Newman Riga Library are: African Drumming with Mayukwa Kashiwa on Thursday, July 9 at 3 p.m.; Magic Joe on Thursday, July 16 at 3 p.m.; Star Wars: A New Hope will be shown on Thursday, July 23 at 3 p.m.; and Harvesting Honey with Beekeeper Mike on August 1 at 3 p.m.

There will be ample opportunities to discover robotics at the library as well. BOCES has loaned some of their technology to the library for the summer. Visit the library’s website or Facebook page for dates and times.

The summer reading game will conclude with a Bagel Party for all non-adult participants on Thursday, August 8, where names will be drawn for major prizes. For information, visit newmanrigalibrary@libraryweb.org, Facebook.com/newmanrigalibrary, or call the library at 293-2009.

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