Presenting the Westside News Bicycle and Flowers entry

The Westside News bicycle for the Spencerport Rotary Club’s Bicycles and Flowers beautification project was designed by employee Karen Fien. Her husband Dave took the bicycle apart so she could glue strips of newsprint to the frame, and he sealed the whole thing with a clear polyurethane. She wove the front basket out of vines that were growing wild in her backyard. The bicycle was donated by Vicki Caspersson, another Westside News employee. The bicycle can be seen in front of the Westside News office at 1776 Hilton-Parma Corners Road. For information about the Bicycles and Flowers project go to westsidenewsny.com and do a search for Spencerport Rotary or http://email bicyclesandflowers@gmail.com